Thursday, July 3, 2014

Number Three: Relax, and let some things go!

Above is a picture of our upstairs play area. This is what it looks like currently. This is actually better than it looked like at the beginning of the week. On Monday I had at least five loads of clean laundry and another couple baskets of dirty laundry strewn on the floor.

Life with three little kids ages 6 and under, and expecting number four, can be a bit hectic and MESSY! We get our fair share if illnesses that get passed around from one person to the other. To top it off, my husband works full time and is going to school for his MBA to a university an hour and a half away. Needless to say, he is not home with us very often so life can get even more tiring for this pregnant mom!

With all that said, one of the biggest lessons I have learned this first year if homeschooling is to relax and let some things go! This is a continual lesson for me, especially recently. If I had it my way, my house would be so organized, clean, and we would have full blown meals on the table every evening. I have learned that at this stage in our families life, that is pretty much impossible. 

Since I'm homeschooling I have learned what a blessing it is to be able to spend time with my kids and to really listen to them and enjoy their company. They require all my time and pretty much all my energy. I have come to realize that they need ME, and if that means the dishes need to pile up, the messes need to be strewn everywhere, the laundry will need to sit on the floor another day, then that's what needs to happen right now. We have had cherished moments when we enjoy reading books together, running outside in the pouring rain, or had a dance party in the living room. Those are moments that are WAY better than scrubbing dishes or mopping floors!!