Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Number One: I am NOT Patient

There were always some preconceived ideas I had about homeschooling. It was pretty foreign to me. I thought that in order to homeschool I had to be super patient, organized, great at keeping my house clean, and be very knowledgeable. Basically I thought you need to have all the answers and know exactly what to teach at each grade level and how to teach it before you even think about starting to homeschool. Well, I've learned many things this year. 

Number one: I am not patient! But like it or not, I have daily opportunities to practice. 
I am not PATIENT!! I think some people may see me and think I'm super patient. I am actually prone to get anxious and frustrated easily when things don't go my way or how I expected they would turn out. I am so very blessed to be a mother of three beautiful children. I love them, and think they are the greatest blessing that Heavenly Father has given our little family. I believe motherhood is a blessing, not only because of the joy you experience from your little ones, but also for the many opportunities for growth and learning that it gives me. I have the chance to practice my patience EVERY DAY with my babies. And I still have a lot more to learn. People say, "You must have a lot of patience to homeschool". Ha, ha, ha! NO WAY!! There is MUCH room for growth for me in that area. You don't need to be perfectly patient to be a mother, patience is a virtue you practice and develop in the the process of being a mother.

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