Monday, April 21, 2014

Number Two: Learning Should Be FUN!!

The second thing I learned this year as a new homeschooling mom is this: 
Learning should be FUN!!!

When I first started teaching my son at the age of around 3 and a half, I would plan activities and print things out, and them my son would spend like two minutes on one activity and refuse to do anymore! I was frustrated. I have slowly come to realize that the way I was trying to teach my son was not the most effective way he was going to learn. I also have realized that children develop at their own pace. What my son may not be able to do now, he may be able to do in a month or two. At one point my son kept skipping the number four when he would count in Spanish. It seemed like weeks and weeks we would practice counting and he would just skip four. I was so frustrated, and he could sense that. He would just freeze and get so nervous. It wasn’t fun for him anymore. It was just me testing him and him realizing he wasn’t living up to my expectations. Once I decided to just relax and have fun, then that wall came down and he was able to learn better without so much stress.

From birth through about age 7, kids learn through play and experimentation. This is the stage when the LOVE of learning needs to be instilled in children. I have been enjoying reading books such as Free To Learn by Peter Gray and A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille, where I have learned more about the importance of giving children the opportunities to play and instill a love for learning in order for them to be able to essentially educate themselves.

Children are naturally curious and excited to discover new ideas. I have also been very surprised by the times when my son randomly shows me that our fun and free approach has helped him make connections. After beginning our new math curriculum (which I love), called RightStart Mathematics, my son surprised me when he said “Mami, ten is two, two, two, two, two!” I was so surprised and excited to see his little mind at work on a car ride.

We have also loved doing what some may call unit studies. A unit study is where we chose a theme and study that theme in as many subjects as possible for a week or two. I have learned that if you have a plan in mind, but when it comes down to it, nobody is excited about it, then ask your child what he wants to learn! I did, and my son came up with so many fun ideas like racecar week, ocean week, shark week, weather week, desert week, and dinosaur week, just to name a few. He is excited because he WANTS to learn about these subjects, which makes me excited too.

I want to spark my child’s creativity and enthusiasm for learning. We plan on fostering an environment where he can play, explore, and learn. If it’s not FUN for both of us, we will reevaluate and revisit the task later if we need to. This is one of the things I have learned this year. 

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